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Department: Art Education (MA)

Inga Ausmeel

The public does not know much about outstanding teachers, because their creative process, work with students, stays between the walls of the school building. As with other disciplines, in the context of art education it is necessary to know outstanding teachers in one’s field. The teacher’s qualification assigned by the professional standard is necessary to …

Marge Robam

The Target Group of the Research is Teachers in General Education, who will learn Co-Design based Learning Design on a Micro-credential Course at the Estonian Academy of Arts and use the Design Process in learning design.

Liina Raidoja

In 2008, the national curriculum of preschool institutions was adopted nationally (Section 5), where the direction from a teacher-centred learning concept to a child-centred teaching method was clearly formulated. I have been conducting dance classes for kindergarten children since 2012. In connection with this, I saw the group’s learning environments and witnessed different displays of …

Alesja Stavitskaja

The national curricula (2011) emphasize the importance of integrated teaching, where learning activities and outcomes are interconnected through integration. However, there is still a tendency in education where art subjects do not carry greater value when integrated with other fields than improving intellectual capacity and test results. This master’s thesis aims to explore the practical …