Otsi lõpetajat:

“In memoriam Bellingshausen”

Joel Väli


Scenography BA



Room installation from the perfomance “In memoriam Bellingshausen”

Video 3min

Sound Teizo Matsumura- Air of Prayer for seventeen/String Koto Solo/1984




The alleged attack occurred on 9. october 2018 in the Bellingshausen station.
I’ve never met a mad penguin. They don’t beat their heads against a rock. They don’t terrorize. Penguins are peaceful in their perfectly structured rhythm that keeps them from going crazy. Females lay eggs, males stay to warm the eggs. Females go to the sea. Then they return and raise the children. Males go to sea, etc.
They move between the colony and the sea. To the colony and to the sea. Children are born into a routine. They do not create a new one. The next ones are born who also do not create. No one knows exactly why this happens, but sometimes the penguin walks alone towards the continent, without saying goodbye, towards the endless icy deserts and mountains. Away from the water and the colony. Far from their nesting place.
A small black dot on the background of a white vastness. 80 kilometers off your daily course. Walking into certain doom. Slides on his belly to certain death.
It seems unlikely that they just lose their bearings for a moment, because if you bring the penguin back to the colony, he will soon start walking nowhere once again.




Designer – Director: Joel Väli

Dramaturg: Andreas Kübar

Light designer: Leon Augustin Allik

Composer: Markus Robam

Producer: Egert Kadastu

Cast: Ursel Tilk (Eesti Draamateater) and Markus Truup



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