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Department: Architecture and Urban Design (MA)

Anett Griffel

The master´s thesis deals with valuing and opening up the seashore. The 8-kilometer coastline from Kakumäe harbor to Meeruse harbor is an important part of Tallinn´s green corridor, which is located in a rapidly developing area. By the year 2038, the population of North-Tallinn district is predicted to increase by 44,000 people.  The aim of …

Katariina Mustasaar

The project investigates how the remediation of contaminated soil using phytoremediation technology could transform a former industrial harbour into a modern urban space. By treating the landscape as a connected system throughout the long-term healing process, an everyday environment emerges that gradually brings the sea closer to the city. Phytoremediation draws attention to environmental issues …

Olari Paadimeister

Käesolev magistritöö püüab vastata kasvavatele kliimamuutuste ja energiadefitsiiidi väljakutsetele, kasutades tihedust ruumilise tööriistana, mille eesmärk on muuta Tallinn tulevikus kompaktsemaks linnaks. Tallinna linnastumine kesklinna ja eeslinnade tihendamise kaudu võimaldab tõhusamat energiakasutust, saavutab kõrgema kriitilise massi taseme, mis omakorda muudab linna tootlikumaks ning saavutab EL-i territoriaalsete ja linnade tegevuskavade pikaajalised ruumilise jätkusuutlikkuse eesmärgid. Lõputöös näidatakse, kuidas …

Katrin Lang

The aim of this master’s thesis is to investigate the reasons why buildings fall out of use, and offer solutions for the reuse of abandoned buildings in order to preserve the value of their location. The theoretical part is focused on ownership. I propose to change the laws of Estonia in order to ensure that …

Kristofer Soop

Opening 59° 39´ N, 25° 42´ E is just a proactive spatial playthrough for opening up the spatial potentials of Loksa port, Loksa and Lahemaa. I place the area in the context of the Baltic sea region, Central-Baltic area, Finnish coast and Estonia. After spatial research i provide a vision for every scale (6 visions …

Delija Thakur

The aim of the master’s thesis is to investigate the role of the architect in the context of the circular construction model, considering the vacant Liivalai courthouse, which will probably be demolished in the coming years. In addition to rethinking the building, my work focuses on the principles of efficient material use and selective demolition. …

Kadi Pihlak

The aim of this work is, firstly, to create a unified vocabulary and related methodology to talk about bicycle path connections between different fields, and not to be based only on opinion. Second, the goal is to show how these values translate into the physical environment. For this purpose, I will first describe the existing …

Art Bogdanovics

The topic of the master’s thesis is how and why to bring the research done at the university to people outside the academy. This is expressed in the form of a project with the creation of a new open center for the University of Tartu. The center is designed as an academic meeting place that …

Loora Orav

Concrete, a widely used material in the construction sector, accounts for 11% of the world’s CO2 emissions. Based on these statistics, it can be argued that using more environmentally friendly materials instead of concrete would help make the world more sustainable. In Estonia, only a part of the real potential of hemp is used, because …

Uku Julian Tarvas

My master thesis deals with a small village Western Estonia and called Palivere and proposes housing types suitable for a modern small settlement. These are smaller scale (apartment) buildings that fit into the small settlement and are closely related to the outside environment. The focus of the work is on the creation of flexible housing …